Concerning care for employees we offer services in the area of working climate and atmosphere analysis with intention to improve working environment and secure stabilization of employees.
It is highly effective to use the results of such analysis as the basis for the formation of motivational systems in a company, e.g. educational or remuneration systems, etc. Employers often surprised discover that their employees are motivated by other factors than they previously assumed and encouraged. By following these aimed changes in motivational systems stemming from the survey results companies accomplish higher stability and satisfaction of their employees. And often with lower expenses…
The method to explore the opinions of employees on a particular situation in a company is a questionnaire, the so called Mood barometer. Its creation is based on the customer´s request and pursues these areas:
Other methods are individual and group discussions with employees and observation.
The output comprises of a written report analysing the satisfaction of employees in the observed areas, climate in the company, definition of the problematic areas and recommendation of measures to eliminate shortcomings.
Price is determined individually depending on the extent of the survey.